Ash Parish Council
- Vacancy: Parish Clerk & RFO
- 32 hours a week
- Contact Ash PC
Staple Parish Council
Clerk and RFO
Salary Scale in accordance with NALC standard employment contract
15 hours per month.
- Applicants should forward their CV, with a covering letter explaining their suitability for the role to Staple Parish Council
Halling Parish Council
Assistant Parish Clerk
Based at Parish Office, Halling Community Centre, High Street, Halling, ME2 1BS Monday and Thursday 3pm - 17.30 pm. Some work from home (eg minutes, agendas, emails). Up to 9 hours per week subject to discussion. Pay up to £12.42 per hour, SCP 6, subject to annual review.
- Contact Chris Fribbins, Clerk on 07887 6106252 or email
Seal Parish Council
Clerk and RFO
(NALC pay scales 18-30).
- Closing date 6th December 2024
- 9am - 2pm Monday to Friday
- Contact Seal PC
Nonington Parish Council
Clerk and RFO
Salary and conditions in accordance with NALC standard employment contract for part time clerks (6 hours work per week).
- Home-based
- Closing date - Now extended to 3rd January 2025
- Contact Nonington PC
Molash Parish Council
Clerk and RFO
12 hours per month
- Home-based
- Contact Molash PC
Halstead Parish Council
Clerk and RFO
Salary range is within LC2 SP18 (£15.84 per hour) and LC2 SP28 (£19.66 per hour) applicable from 1 April 2024 (pay award pending).
- Closing date 19th December 2024
- 20 hours per week
- Contact Halstead PC